A greener world for future generations
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Elevate Your Eco Style

We hope this message finds you ready to add a dash of eco-chic to your next service! 

At Envirochoice, we believe in dining with style while also caring for the planet. That's why we're excited to introduce our latest collection of eco-friendly disposables, perfect for parties and street food delights.

Natural Fibre Plates: Our plates are the heroes of the table, crafted from natural fibres that not only look amazing but are also 100% compostable. Once the party's over, toss them in your compost bin, and let the magic happen. Your compost will thank you for adding a dash of sustainable flair!  

Kraft Napkins: Embrace the rustic charm of our kraft napkins, made from recycled materials. They're not just soft on the skin; they're also gentle on the environment. Wipe away those crumbs and spills guilt-free!  

Wooden Cutlery: Elevate your dining experience with our sturdy wooden cutlery. Available in bulk packs, individually wrapped or retail packs, you'll find we have an option for every situation.

Why choose our eco-friendly take-away staples?

Environmentally Conscious: Show your customers that you care for the environment without compromising on style.

Perfect for Any Meal: Whether it's a delicious dessert or a barbequed steak, the plates and cutlery are sturdy so your customers don't have to awkwardly wrestle their meal.